Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reclaiming a social agenda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reclaiming a social agenda - Essay Example In this context of understanding one of the major considerations is the dichotomy between art and science. Whereas science functions to question existing paradigms in a generally progressive way, aesthetic practice â€Å"begins answer, by reinventing itself, by building upon a past principle and ethical relationship† (Mockbee, pg. 2). When one considers this approach in terms of activist practice it’s clear that the parallel is that social or community change can occur through the complete re-imagination of the status quo. One recommended example of this perspective is in considered in rural Alabama, where theorist Mockbee argues that a harmonious architecture that brings together both disenfranchised and wealthy must be implemented. In addition to the above-considered abstract intents of activist practice, there are a number of clear strategic examples that have emerged. From an overarching perspective, it’s noted that many semblances of, â€Å"communities in the process of creating and sustaining their cultural identities by designing and often rebuilding their own world† (Ward, pg. 56). In this context of understanding, it’s seen how the traditional artistic means of re-imagination have emerged and been implemented in communities that previously experienced significant blight and hardship. In terms of specific case examples, it’s noted that the Pratt Institute Center for Community and Environmental Development (PICCED) is one such emergence of strong activist architecture. When considering the weaknesses of activist practice, it’s clear that recent rejections of activist forms of architecture represent a significant concern. In this context of understanding, theorists have referred to what is known as the post-political concern. In characterizing this post-political turn it’s been noted that, â€Å"Not only have American architectural

Monday, October 28, 2019

Frog and the Nightingale Essay Example for Free

Frog and the Nightingale Essay The book is widely regarded as a classic in India since its first publication in 1946, and provides a broad view of Indian history, philosophy and culture, as viewed from the eyes of a liberal Indian fighting for the independence of his country. In The Discovery of India, Nehru argued that India was a historic nation with a right to sovereignty. (Calhoun, Craig, Nations Matter: Culture, History and the Cosmopolitan Dream, Routledge. In this book, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru tries to study the history of India starting from the Indus Valley Civilization, and then covers the countrys history from the arrival of the Aryans to government under the British Empire. He says that India in the past was country which lived in harmony and peace, but the entry of society evils had a very bad effect on people. The effect of these various people on Indian culture and their incorporation into Indian society is examined. This book also analyses in depth the philosophy of Indian life. This book was dedicated to the Prisoners of Ahmednagar jail. The book became the basis of the 53-episode Indian television series Bharat Ki Khoj, first broadcast in 1988. PREFACE OF THE BOOK BY JAWAHARLAL NEHRU:- This book was written by Jawaharlal Nehru in Ahmadnagar Fort prison during the five months, April to September 1944. Some of his colleagues in prison were good enough to read the manuscript and make a number of valuable suggestions. On revising the book in prison he took advantage of these suggestions and made some additions. No one, he need hardly add, is responsible for what he has written or necessarily agrees with it. But he expresses my deep gratitude to his fellow-prisoners in Ahmadnagar Fort for the innumerable talks and discussions they had, which helped him greatly to clear his own mind about various aspects of Indian history and culture. Prison is not a pleasant place to live in even for a short period, much less for long years. But it was a privilege for me to live in close contact with men of outstanding ability and culture and a wide human outlook which even the passions of the moment did not obscure. His eleven companions in Ahmadnagar Fort were an interesting cross-section of India and represented in their several ways not only politics but Indian scholarship, old and new, and various aspects of present-day India. Nearly all the principal living Indian languages, as well as the classical languages which have powerfully influenced India in the past and present, were represented and the standard was often that of high scholarship. Among the classical languages were Sanskrit and Pali, Arabic and Persian; the modern languages were Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, Sindhi and Oriya. Jawaharlal Nehru had all this wealth to draw upon and the only limitation was his own capacity to profit by it. Though he was grateful to all his companions, he specially mentioned a few names;Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, whose vast erudition invariably delighted me but sometimes also rather overwhelmed me, Govind Ballabh Pant, Narendra Deva and M. Asaf Ali. The book remains as written in prison with no additions or changes, except for the postscript at the end. He doesnt know how other authors feel about their writings, but always he had a strange sensation when he read something that he had written some time previously. That sensation is heightened when the writing had been done in the close and abnormal atmosphere of prison and the subsequent reading has taken place outside. He could recognize it of course, but not wholly; it seems almost that he was reading some familiar piece written by another, who was near to him and yet who was different. Perhaps that is the measure of the change that had taken place in Jawaharlal Nehru So he has felt about this book also. It is his and not wholly his, as he is constituted today; it represents rather some past self of his which has already joined that long succession of other selves that existed for a while and faded away, leaving only a memory behind . Life in the Jail During his stay in the jail as a prisoner, he talked about the ruins that were there but were covered up by soil or have collapsed. He talks about a courageous, beautiful lady, named Chandbibi, who fought against akbar to protect the fort(where he was staying as prisoner). But at the end she was killed by her own army man. He asks himself that what is his ancestral gift? he discovers that, India is his ancestral gift. It is in his blood. he is the ancesteor of victories and defeats of the past kings, brave works of human from the earliest past to now. He is the heir of all these. A few of his chapters which tell about Jawaharlal Nehru’s life in prison and the various changes in India Time in Prison : The Urge to Action Time seems to change its nature in prison. The present hardly exists, for there is an absence of feeling and sensation which might separate it from the dead past. Even news of the active, living and dying world outside has a certain dream-like un-reality, an immobility and an unchangeableness as of the past. The outer objective time ceases to be, the inner and subjective sense remains, but at a lower level, except when thought pulls it out of the present and experiences a kind of reality in the past or in the future. We live, as Auguste Comte said, dead mens lives, encased in our pasts, but this is especially so in prison where we try to find some sustenance for our starved and locked-up emotions in memory of the past or fancies of the future. There is a stillness and everlastingness about the past; it changes not and has a touch of eternity, like a painted picture or a statue in bronze or marble. Unaffected by the storms and upheavals of the present, it maintains its dignity and repose and tempts the troubled spirit and the tortured mind to seek shelter in its vaulted catacombs. There is peace there and security, and one may even sense a spiritual quality. But it is not life, unless we can find the vital links between it and the present with all its conflicts and problems. It is a kind of art for arts sake, without the passion and the urge to action which are the very stuff of life. Without that passion and urge, there is a gradual oozing out of hope and vitality, a settling down on lower levels of existence, a slow merging into non-existence. We become prisoners of the past and some part of its immobility sticks to us. This passage of the mind is all the easier in prison where action is denied and we become slaves to the routine of jail-life. Yet the past is ever with us and all that we are and that we have comes from the past. We are its products and we live im-mersed in it. Not to understand it and feel it as something living within us is not to understand the present. To combine it with the present and extend it to the future, to break from it where it cannot be so united, to make of all this the pulsating and vibrat-ing material for thought and action—that is life. Any vital action springs from the depths of the being. All the long past of the individual and even of the race has prepared the background for that psychological moment of action. All the racial memories, influences of heredity and environment and training, subconscious urges, thoughts and dreams and actions from infancy and childhood onwards, in their curious and tremendous mix-up, inevitably drive to that new action, which again becomes yet another factor influencing the future. Influencing the future, partly determining it, possibly even largely determining it, and yet, surely, it is not all determinism. Whether there is any such thing as human freedom in the philosophic sense or whether there is only an automatic deter-minism, I do not know. A very great deal appears certainly to be determined by the past complex of events which bear down and often overwhelm the individual. Possibly even the inner urge that he experiences, that apparent exercise of free will, is itself conditioned. As Schopenhauer says, a man can do what he will, but not will as he will. A belief in an absolute deter-minism seems to me to lead inevitably to complete inaction, to death in life. All my sense of life rebels against it, though of course that very rebellion may itself have been conditioned by previous events Lifes Philosophy:- The ideals and objectives of yesterday were still the ideals of to-day, but they had lost some of their lustre and, even as one seemed to go towards them, they lost the shining beauty which had warmed the heart and vitalized the body. Evil triumphed often enough, but what was far worse was the coarsening and distortion of what had seemed so right. Was human nature so essentially bad that it would take ages of training, through suffering and misfortune, before it could behave reasonably and raise man above that creature of lust and violence and deceit that he now was? And, meanwhile, was every effort to change it radically in the present or the near future doomed to failure? Ends and means: were they tied up inseparably, acting and reacting on each other, the wrong means distorting and some-times even destroying the end in view? But the right means might well be beyond the capacity of infirm and selfish human nature. What then was one to do? Not to act was a complete con-fession of failure and a submission to evil; to act meant often enough a compromise with some form of that evil, with all the untoward consequences that such compromises result in. Science does not tell us much, or for the matter of that any-thing about the purpose of life. It is now widening its boun-daries and it may invade the so-called invisible world before long and help us to understand this purpose of life in its widest sense, or at least give us some glimpses which illumine the pro-blem of human existence. The old controversy between science and religion takes a new form—the application of the scientific method to emotional and religious experiences. Some vague or more precise philosophy of life we all have, though most of us accept unthinkingly the general attitude which is characteristic of our generation and environment. Most of us accept also certain metaphysical conceptions as part of the faith in which we have grown up. How amazing is this spirit of man! In spite of innumerable failings, man, throughout the ages, has sacrificed his life and all he held dear for an ideal, for truth, for faith, for country and honour. That ideal may change, but that capacity for self-sacrifice continues, and, because of that, much may be forgiven to man, and it is impossible to lose hope for him. In the midst of disaster, he has not lost his dignity or his faith in the values he cherished. Plaything of natures mighty forces, less than a speck of dust in this vast universe, he has hurled defiance at the elemental powers, and with his mind, cradle of revolution, sought to master them. Whatever gods there be, there is something godlike in man, as there is also something of the devil in him. The future is dark, uncertain. But we can see part of the way leading to it and can tread it with firm steps, remembering that nothing that can happen is likely to overcome the spirit of man which has survived so many perils; remembering also that life, for all its ills, has joy and beauty, and that we can always wander; if we know how to, in the enchanted woods of nature. Indias Strength and Weaknesses:- The search for the sources of Indias strength and for her deterioration and decay is long and intricate. Yet the recent causes of that decay are obvious enough. She fell behind in the march of technique, and Europe, which had long been backward in many matters, took the lead in technical progress. Behind this technical progress was the spirit of science and a bubling life and spirit which displayed itself in many activities and in ad-venturous voyages of discovery. New techniques gave military strength to the countries of western Europe, and it was easy for them to spread out and dominate the East. That is the story not only of India, but of almost the whole of Asia. Why this should have happened so is more difficult to unravel, for India was not lacking in mental alertness and technical skill in earlier times. One senses a progressive deterioration during centuries. The urge to life and endeavour becomes less, the crea-tive spirit fades away and gives place to the imitative. Where triumphant and rebellious thought had tried to pierce the my-steries of nature and the universe, the wordy commentator comes with his glosses and long explanations. Magnificent art and sculpture give way to meticulous carving of intricate detail without nobility of conception or design. The vigour and rich-ness of language, powerful yet simple, are followed by highly ornate and complex literary forms. The urge to adventure and the overflowing life which led to vast schemes of distant coloni-zation and the transplantation of Indian culture in far lands: all these fade away and a narrow orthodoxy taboos even the crossing of the high seas. A rational spirit of inquiry, so evident in earlier times, which might well have led to the further growth of science, is replaced by irrationalism and a blind idolatory of the past. Indian life becomes a sluggish stream, living in the past, moving slowly through the accumulations of dead centuries. The heavy burden of the past crushes it and a kind of coma seizes it. It is not surprising that in this condition of mental stupor and physical weariness India should have deteriorated and remained rigid and immobile, while other parts of the world marched ahead. Every people and every nation has some such belief or myth of national destiny and perhaps it is partly true in each case. Being an Indian I am myself influenced by this reality or myth about India, and I feel that anything that had the power to mould hundreds of generations, without a break, must have drawn its enduring vitality from some deep well of strength, and have had the capacity to renew that vitality from age to age. No people, no races remain unchanged. Continually they are mixing with others and slowly changing; they may appear to die almost and then rise again as a new people or just a variation of the old. There may be a definite break between the old people and the new, or vital links of thought and ideals may join them. History has numerous instances of old and well-established civilizations fading away or being ended suddenly, and vigor-ous new cultures taking their place. Is it some vital energy, sonic inner source of strength that gives life to a civilization or a people, without which all effort is ineffective, like the vain attempt of an aged person to plav the part of a youth? Behind the past quarter of a centurys struggle for Indias independence and all our conflicts with British authority, lay in my mind, and that of many others, the desire to revitalize India. We felt that through action and self-imposed suffering and sacri-fice, through voluntarily facing risk and danger, through refusal to submit to what we considered evil and wrong, would we re-charge the battery of Indias spirit and waken her from her long slumber. Though we came into conflict continually with the British Government in India, our eyes were always turned towards our own people. Political advantage had value only in so far as it helped in that fundamental purpose of ours. Because of this govern-ing motive, frequently we acted as no politician, moving in the narrow sphere of politics only, would have done, and foreign and Indian critics expressed surprise at the folly and intransigence of our ways. Whether we were foolish or not, the historians of the future will judge. We aimed high and looked far. Probably we were often foolish, from the point of view of opportunist politics, but at no time did we forget that our main purpose was to raise the whole level of the Indian people, psychologically and spiritually and also, of course, politically and economically. It was the building up of that real inner strength of the people that we were after, knowing that the rest would inevitably follow. We had to wipe out some generations of shameful subservience and timid submission to an arrogant alien authority. Epilogue of the book:- Jawaharlal Nehru has covered a thousand hand-written pages with a jumble of ideas in his mind. He travelled in the past and peeped into the future and sometimes tried to balance himself on that point of intersection of the timeless with time. His life has been full of happenings in the world and the war has advanced rapidly towards a triumphant conclusion,so far as military victories go. In his own country also much has happened of which he could be only a distant spectator, and waves of unhappiness have sometimes temporarily swept over me and passed on. Because of this business of thinking and trying to give some expression to his thoughts, he has drawn myself away from the piercing edge of the present and moved along the wider expanses of the past and the future. The discovery of India—what had he discovered? It was presumptuous of him to imagine that he could unveil India and find out what India is to-day and what it was in the long past. To-day India is four hundred million separate individual men and women, each differing from the other, each living in a private universe of though and feeling. If this is so in the present, how much more difficult is it to grasp that multitudinous past of innumerable successions of human beings. Yet something has bound them together and binds them still. India is a geographical and economic entity, a cultural unity amidst diversity, a bundle of contradictions held together by strong but invisible threads.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Job Satisfaction and Employee Retention Essay -- High Turnover, Job En

Employee satisfaction is undoubtedly the best predictor of employee retention. A job environment consisting of good working relationships usually fosters employee satisfaction. Employees feel motivated as they believe that the company is appreciating their service and commitment. Job satisfaction results in employee retention. Employee retention could be defined as the length of time employees stay with the organization. The purpose of this report is to brief the management on the importance of employee satisfaction in achieving the competitive goals of the organization through increasing the retention of the employees. Description and background As per preliminary analyses conducted with job satisfaction and anticipated job retention—it was concluded that the two were not correlated. (Cohen & Cohen, 1983). As per the results of this analysis, the prominent job satisfaction factors were: †¢ Less formal education; †¢ Positive perceptions of supervision †¢ Competence and autonomy based joins Cross, W., & Wyman, P. A. (2006). Training and motivational factors as predictors of job satisfaction and anticipated job retention among implementers of a school-based prevention program. Journal of Primary Prevention, 27(2), 195-215. Job retention was also recommended for people with chronic medical history of diseases. In a random experiment in which individuals in the group (with medical disorders) received a job retention intervention and persons in the control group received a minimal intervention. It was concluded that satisfaction with the job retention intervention was greater than that for minimal attention. Employment status was assessed at 6 month intervals up to 48 months .The log-rank test was used to detect a differ... ...gsworth, C., SÄ mbhar, R., Ball, M., & al, e. (2004) WORK CULTURE IN ASSISTED LIVING: KEY TO STAFF SATISFACTION AND RETENTION. The Gerontologist, 44(1), 593. †¢ Bamberger, P. A. (1990). Antecedents and consequences of role stress: The processes leading to turnover intentions among public sector professionals. (Order No. 9018061, Cornell University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 289-289 p. Retrieved from (303850297). †¢ Accessed 27 Apr 2014 ;( †¢ Sherrie Scott; demand Media; Accessed 27 Apr 2014 ;( †¢ TerryIrwin;29.11.11;accessed 27 Apr 2014;(

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Ant and the Grasshopper W. Somerset Maugham

There are some beliefs that everyone gets in their whole life, what they deserve, and it is based upon common sense. However, there are exceptions for each rule or statement in the existence. One of these exceptions is described in Maugham’s story, the fable called â€Å"The Ant and the Grasshopper† which is about George and Tom’s experiences. In this case, the ant is George and the grasshopper is Tom. One of them, George, chose the part of being a responsible and sensitive person. It is he who has been working a lot for getting a special retirement for the end of his life. Moreover, he has been helping his brother in all his whims. He is a role model for everyone. On the other hand, Tom is this kind of person who decides to live his life in order to satisfy his own wishes. He is a very nice and charming person, but he is constantly cheating on his brother and all his friends. Moreover, he has a lot of faults and he is always looking for luxuries. â€Å"For twenty years Tom raced and gambled, philandered with the prettiest girls, danced, ate in the most expensive restaurants, and dressed beautifully. He always looked as if he had just stepped out of a bandbox. Though he was forty-six you would never have taken him for more than thirty-five†. It might be safely said that the villain of this story is Tom, the bad man, the person who has got everything that he desires by taking the easy way. And according to the fable he deserves a bad end or at least any that is not good enough. Nonetheless, this is not a classical story with a traditional ending. The end of it is really funny. It may be said that the writer wanted to emphasize the fact that Tom had achieved everything and it was out of the blue. In addition, it might be pointed out that the writer is criticizing the coherence between George’s principles and the way he acted when his brother obtained the fortune. He showed jealous. Besides, it can be said that he was not happy with his whole life. He always wanted more than he obtained. The moral is clear, life is not unfair. It depends on you, on everyone and on the way people see life’s opportunities. In conclusion, there are people with good luck and fortune. There are people who are not firm with their principles and there are people who are not happy due to their vision of living. It is called: life and its ironies.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Developments in Public Personnel Field

This paper deals with the trends, issues and challenges that are being faced by the public personnel. These trends and issues may be categorized under (1) Management practices; (2) technology; and (3) Economic and Politics. Governments all over the world should learn this time what to do with their public personnel so that they can become more efficient and more effective in the face of all the mentioned challenges. . IntroductionPublic or Civil Service is a big part of the lives of the citizens of a nation whether they want it or not. There are a number of government agencies that require the services of public servants and professionals. These professionals are free from the political affiliations of people who serve in the bureaucracy. There are developments in the society, in the technology and other areas of management that have an impact in the lives of public personnel. This essay explores these new trends, strategies, approaches by looking at different areas that affect the l ives and performance of public personnel.These new trends, issues and emerging practices will be divided into three major categories: management practices, technology and economic situation. The first category deals mainly with the emerging issues in management such as diversity, the rights and benefits of public personnel and how the government is reacting to these trends. Secondly, the technological advancements that impact the work of public personnel will be looked at, carefully noting how these are revolutionizing the way that public personnel do their work. Lastly, the economic developments in the United States and the world will also be noted together with their impact on the lives of workers in the Civil service sector.The government as an employer should take note of these developments and keep up with the times. Oftentimes, however, bureaucracy tends to react too slowly to the changes going on in the world. If this is the case, the public personnel will be disadvantaged. N onetheless, this paper will also put forward several recommendations as to how the plight of public personnel could be improved by the government through the effective and efficient use of resources in their respective organizations.Management PracticesWorkforce DiversityOne of the most important developments in public personnel in the twenty-first century is the increasing recognition of diversity in the operations of public offices and agencies. Such diversity stems from the multicultural fabric of the American society. There are African Americans, Asians, Europeans and Latino in the United States.It is impossible to exclude these people from becoming public personnel if they possess the skills and the educational requirements of serving in the Civil Service. Through the victories won by the Civil Rights movement in the United States in the past forty years or so, the US has come a long way in granting equal rights and opportunities to people of various skin colors.The immigration to the US has also continued in the past few years that the demographic has changed. Through the process of globalization, more and more people from various nations are coming to the United States. Managing a diverse workforce is therefore becoming an imperative for most corporations and multinational companies in the US. This should also be the case with public personnel (Farazmand, 2007).There are a number of benefits that workforce diversity could offer to public offices and agencies. For one, perspectives and viewpoints in the office concerning pressing issues and concerns will be diverse, thus, providing the decision maker with the ability to look at different angles before making important decisions. Without diversity, people will, more or less, look at something from virtually same lenses and perspectives. With diversity, however, there are new perspectives that could enable a broader look at issues plaguing the civil service and the rest of the society.One factor that influ ences the occurrence of diversity in both private and public organizations is the prevalence of migration and mobility of labor. People from diverse backgrounds often find themselves mingling with people from other nationalities (Mavin & Girling, 2000). Diversity, however, is more than just a collection of nationalities within the organization. Rather, there are several sources of diversity that can serve as a point of conflict within the organization—public or private. Managing diversity, therefore, is an art that most public agencies and organizations should be dealt with effectively. These sources of diversity include gender, race, ethnicity, linguistic barriers, sexual preferences and religion.As stipulated in the Constitution and the laws of the United States, these kinds of differences should in no way affect the employment of persons or prevent them from enjoying the privileges accorded to any person within the civil service of the country. The problem, however, is tha t, in a setting such as the public agencies and organizations, there are persons who may have strong feelings, prejudices and biases against any of these sources of diversity and they may condescend to those who are not like them. As such, they might not be able to get along with certain kinds of people in the civil service.Multiculturalism and the prevalence of diversity should be met with effective public personnel management strategies. The management should not be reactive and act as if they are always pacifying people, trouble-shooting problems and ironing out conflicts. Rather, diversity should be managed well by allowing practices and the organizational culture to become attuned to diversity. After all, the labor force has become heterogeneous and there seems to be no way to stop that at this stage (Sippola, 2005).Proactive management of diversity entails understanding the cultural and other differences among different peoples who belong to the organization. This also helps t he management become more attuned to the composition of the public personnel workforce and make the necessary recommendations in terms of managing these personnel.Diversity is one thing that could help the organization thrive in the highly competitive world of the twenty-first century. Through diversity, the perspective of an organization becomes broader and the way in which the organization reaches out to people belonging to different groups.There is an increasing sense of job insecurity in the United States, work hours cannot be completely controlled and the leadership style of managers may sometimes be unsuitable to that of the expectations of the organization. The well-being of the organization should not be compromised (Sparks, Faragher, & Cooper, 2001).The Need for Entrepreneurial LeadershipAnother problem plaguing the bureaucracy and the civil service in general is too much reliance on tried and tested formula without exploring new possible ways of dealing with different prob lems and challenges that the government agencies are facing. Too often, leaders in the government fail to look beyond the proverbial horizon of their respective agencies. As such, what happens is that they rely on previous records, previously successful formula rather than on carefully crafted strategies that address the present situation of their organizations. This is where entrepreneurial leadership comes in.One of the keywords closely associated with entrepreneurship is innovation. This is the continuous pursuit for improvement and looking for new areas to improve the operations of the organization. If this were present in most public agencies, then the personnel can be empowered as they become more effective and efficient in fulfilling their tasks. Unnecessary delays and red tape in the public offices tend to affect the level of innovativeness of public agencies in information technology and other areas of operation (Moon & Bretschneiber, 2002).Entrepreneurship is also closely associated with risk. If managers are willing to engage in risk in the name of innovation, then the organization will become bolder in pursuing entrepreneurship and innovation. When this happens, the followers will emulate the example of the bosses, and they, themselves, will engage in efforts and action that could lead to a more efficient and effective public service organization.Technology  Internet, Web 2.0 and Business ApplicationsThe twenty-first century is marked by break-neck speed of technological breakthroughs and innovation. The world is still reeling from the impact of near instantaneous communication. The possibilities seem to be endless. When one company offers a product, three weeks later, a rival presents another product that is better and usually smaller than the one previously being offered. These technologies are changing the landscape of public personnel management, including the way in which business and office work are being done. These emerging technologies a re outlined in the next discussion.The Internet. The world is very much connected now, thanks to the wonder that is the Internet. With the number of websites all over the world today, the Internet has become a storehouse of articles and knowledge. Through these websites and other features of the Internet, readers and other users are able to check out the most recent breakthroughs in various fields of study in the world. More than that, with a simple click on the mouse, research can be undertaken. This means that workers can do more now that they are connected to the rest of the world (Sullivan & Lewis, 2002).Technology allowing workers to log on to the company intranet even while in a long distance from the office is now available. This is called remote access and makes use of the network of the Internet while putting forward a security means to protect the company from breach and security compromise (Sullivan & Lewis, 2002).Email is another important factor of the internet that has come to the fore of business operations in the past few years. Without email, the world will continue to rely on snail mail, which is a much slower and inefficient means of communication. With email, the sender can directly type in the message on the computer screen, hit the send button and then wait for a few seconds before the receiver opens the email. Another great thing about emails is that they can be used as vehicle of sending over large files over long distances (Sullivan & Lewis, 2011).Voice over internet Protocol. Another interesting feature of the Internet that has recently come to the attention of the world is Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). This significantly lowered the cost of voice communications over the Internet. This feature has been integrated into various instant messaging protocols such as Skype, Windows Messenger, AIM and Yahoo Messenger among others.It is also possible now to hold live video and audio streaming. This has implications in holding video con ferences over vast areas of land and territory. Hence, live video and audio streaming can help public agencies lower the cost of communication as they meet online. The security of information passed over the Internet is another important concern that must be addressed. Hence, the developments in Internet security and anti-virus technologies help users protect the users and the data that they are feeding and manipulating in the Internet. Information is a very important asset, particularly for public agencies that are serving the broader public. Thanks to the efforts of developers and anti-virus companies, most hackers are kept at bay and prevented from wreaking havoc in the systems of public agencies (Jackson & van der Wielen, 1998).The Internet, together with sound IT infrastructure is already installed in most public agencies. This enables the agencies to dispense social services more quickly and more efficiently. Without technology, such social services will be inaccessible to sev eral sectors in the society (Jones & Dages, 2003). Given the many distractions at work, however, more and more managers realize the importance of introducing regulations and control mechanisms concerning the websites that may be accessed by the public personnel at work. While they are at work, if the IT system is open, then they can listen to music while at the same time enjoy the resources for their own personal use.The reality of digital distraction and information overload among workers is also looming over the twenty-first century public personnel. As such, there should be a means of ensuring that only information pertinent to the job of the public personnel are accessed by the workers during the work session. Otherwise, they will be subject to information overload. Information technology at work is a double-edged sword. It can get a lot of things done but if improperly used, it may also be harmful to the productivity and overall performance of an individual worker (Jackson & va n der Wielen, 1998).The twenty-first century has been hailed as the coming of the knowledge economy where the workers are not only dealing with products and services but rather, they are dealing with information, data and knowledge. As such, technology is a prerequisite for the effective functioning of the public personnel in various areas of government and operations of such agencies.Teleworking and Telecommuting in the Public SectorThe advances and breakthroughs in the technology mentioned above paved the way for the emergence of teleworking and telecommuting among the professionals in the United States. There emerged a new brand of professionals who do not have to report to the office of the agency as long as they are doing the job they have agreed to. Although telecommuting is not a new phenomenon, it has been around since the late 1980s. The only difference now is that the technology has made it so much convenient for teleworkers to thrive in the present system (DiMartino and W irth, 1990).As long as a teleworker has access to computer and good internet connection, he may deliver the work he agreed to. There are also a number of telecommuters from other countries who do the work for the public and private sectors in the United States. Another related process being utilized nowadays is outsourcing. Workers and companies outside of the United States establish partnerships with companies in the US so they can handle the operations of some areas of business.With the increasing popularity of outsourcing and telecommuting, the organization should arrive at a sound plan how to manage these kinds of worker. Of primary concern is the growth of teleworkers as professionals in their field and how they get the services that they deserve (Cooper, & Kurland, 2002).Teleworking has a number of impacts on the public personnel. It might be opted by employees who are taking care of a family member at home needing special attention, by a mother who wants to spend more time wi th her kids or by any other professional who simply wants this kind of arrangement. Teleworking is being used in the private sector but it can also be implemented in the public sector.Teleworking may be considered as a really radical departure from the usual mode of working as public personnel. Teleworkers enjoy an immense level of flexibility in terms of fulfilling their role and still pursuing other interests that they want to pursue.Teleworking, however, may be considered as a security breach in an organization that holds sensitive information in its data bank. In addition to this, teleworking introduces a level of uncertainty and difficulty in managing people. This is why, management should look into an acceptable means of accommodating both the usual full-time staff and those who have opted for teleworking.As the public sector start dealing with teleworking, it should carefully look into the pros and cons of the arrangement. Through this, they can maximize the presence of the t eleworker in the organization while at the same time, making sure that its pitfalls are removed or at least minimized.Individual worker is really at the center of the teleworking arrangements. As long as there is an internet connection and computer, the teleworker can deliver his work. If possible, the organization should also undertake psychological tests to ascertain whether a certain employee is ready for the rigors and loneliness of the being a teleworker.Economy and PoliticsGlobalizationBecause of the rapid advances in communication and transportation technologies and the inter-relationships between and among the countries of the world, the nations are being brought closer together in a process known as globalization (Tomlinson, 1999).The changes being brought about by globalization are far-reaching and broad because it targets the politics, economics, culture and other areas of life (Castles, 2001). Globalization can no longer be ignored because it has impinged on important pr ocesses that go on in the society. It is also not just a national issue but a worldwide one. If this process continues, then the world can become a borderless society in which labor and other resources can move freely without a lot of hassle.In the management of public personnel, globalization has also become a real issue that must be dealt with by the bureaucracy. Globalization is also attacking the established authority of the state over a certain territory, such as a nation-state. The role of the state and the government, therefore, is changing under the relentless impact of globalization.The focus of globalization is efficiency, decentralization and the trimming down of the bureaucracy. In terms of public personnel, this means letting go of a lot of employees and retaining only those who process the core processes and who are able to continue the operations of the agencies that will be affected. With globalization, this means that there will be greater decentralization and dereg ulation of power and autonomy (Bevir, Rhodes & Weller, 2003).The government, however, cannot simply do that without major repercussions. There has to be a careful study as to the kind of jobs and personnel that will be retained and which positions will be let go. If possible, will there be roles that can be combined? This way, the government will be able to save money while at the same time ensuring that the processes being looked after by the public personnel will be continued.ConclusionThe twenty-first century world is very dynamic. Technologies are changing very rapidly, the relationships between and among the countries of the world are becoming stronger. Economies are trading more freely and governments are still in charge of running their own respective territories. This is being done with the help of public personnel who are in the bureaucracy and who are continuously serving the needs of the government and of the people they are serving.There are three main areas of concern t hat impact the changes in public personnel. These are in the areas of Management Practices, Technology, and Economics. Of particular interest is the increasing popularity and significance of workplace diversity and the manner in which public organizations should deal with it so that it can maximize its impact and its efficiency. In addition to this, the advances in technology is paving the way for alternative modes of working such as teleworking and telecommuting. Lastly, globalization also has an important impact on the way that public personnel are being treated and how the public sector can generate savings from the process. Reference Bevir, B, Rhodes, RAW, & Weller, P. (2003). Traditions of governance: interpreting the changing role of the public sector. Public Administration, 81 (1), 1-17. Castles, FG. (2001). On political company of recent pubic sector development. Journal of European Social Political Policy, 11 (3), 195-211. Cooper, CD & Kurland, NB (2002). Telecommuting, professional isolation, and employee development in public and private organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23 (4), 511-532. Daniels, K., Lamond, DA, & Stranden, P. (2000). Managing Telework. New York: CENGAGE Learning. Farazmand, A (2007). Strategic Public Personnel Administration. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group. Jackson, P. and Van der Wielen, J. (1998). Teleworking. Routledge, London. Jones, JW & Dages, KD (2003). Technology Trends in Staffing and Assessment: A Practice Note. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11 (2-3), 247-252. Mavin, S. & Girling, G. (2000). What is Managing Diversity and Why Does It Matter? Human Resource Development International, 3 (4), 419-433. Moon, MJ & Breschneiber, S (2002). Does the Perception of Red Tape Constrain IT Innovativeness in Organizations? Unexpected Results from a Simultaneous Equation Model and Implications. Journal of Publication Research and Theory, 12 (2), 273-292. Sippola, A. (2005). HRM of a Diverse Workforce: Challenges of Emerging Cultural Diversity. Proceedings of the 18th Scandinavian Academy of Management (NFF) Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, 18-20 August 2005. Sparks, K., Faragher, B & Cooper, CL (2001). Well-being and occupational health in the 21st century workplace. Journal of Occupational and Organizational. Sullivan, C & Lewis, S. (2002). Home-based Telework, Gender, and the Synchronization of Work and Family: Perspectives of Teleworkers and their Co-residents. Gender, Work and Organization, 8 (2), 123-145. Tomlinson, J. (1999) Globalization and Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Neglecting Generation X

Neglecting Generation X By any measure, America’s youngest adult generation Generation X are the least politically active of any generation. Statistic after statistic tell the story of a generation that turns out to vote less frequently than others; the numbers also show that young adults are voting less than they once had. One would think that after all the struggles that were waged in this nation of ours for equal voting opportunities, every eligible citizen would head out to the polls. This is certainly not the case. United States is a nation built upon the fundamental principle of democracy, or rule by the people. Why then, do we in this country take voting for granted? Why do we not realize that voting is the most direct way that we have in participating in politics? The U. S. continues to be at the bottom of the ranks when it comes to voter turnout of the voting-age population. In fact, only 52.6 percent of the voting age population heads out to the polls. However, the problem does not lie in the low turnout, it is that only two-thirds of the voting-age population is registered to vote. Though it is probably too late to change the minds of the elder and middle-aged citizens about registering to vote, it is still possible to target Generation X and all those who will vote in the future. The fact that these people are not voting is the reason that the voting rate is so low and this country can ill-afford to stand by and hope that young people eventually grow up and start voting. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in the 1996 presidential general election Generation X represented 33 percent of the voting age population, but accounted for only 24 percent of voters, making them the only generation to under-represent its voting-age population in the election. In the 1998 midterm election 18-24 year olds represented 39 percent of the voting-age population and accounted for only 28 percent of voters. Of course there are... Free Essays on Neglecting Generation X Free Essays on Neglecting Generation X Neglecting Generation X By any measure, America’s youngest adult generation Generation X are the least politically active of any generation. Statistic after statistic tell the story of a generation that turns out to vote less frequently than others; the numbers also show that young adults are voting less than they once had. One would think that after all the struggles that were waged in this nation of ours for equal voting opportunities, every eligible citizen would head out to the polls. This is certainly not the case. United States is a nation built upon the fundamental principle of democracy, or rule by the people. Why then, do we in this country take voting for granted? Why do we not realize that voting is the most direct way that we have in participating in politics? The U. S. continues to be at the bottom of the ranks when it comes to voter turnout of the voting-age population. In fact, only 52.6 percent of the voting age population heads out to the polls. However, the problem does not lie in the low turnout, it is that only two-thirds of the voting-age population is registered to vote. Though it is probably too late to change the minds of the elder and middle-aged citizens about registering to vote, it is still possible to target Generation X and all those who will vote in the future. The fact that these people are not voting is the reason that the voting rate is so low and this country can ill-afford to stand by and hope that young people eventually grow up and start voting. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in the 1996 presidential general election Generation X represented 33 percent of the voting age population, but accounted for only 24 percent of voters, making them the only generation to under-represent its voting-age population in the election. In the 1998 midterm election 18-24 year olds represented 39 percent of the voting-age population and accounted for only 28 percent of voters. Of course there are...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Are Americans Better Off essays

Are Americans Better Off essays The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of Americans now versus one hundred years ago. Specifically, it will state the reasons Americans are better off, with specific examples. Americans are much better off today than they were in 1904 for a variety of reasons. We have more technology, more medical understanding, and more education to create better futures for ourselves. Americans lived simply in 1904, and we live much better today. There are many reasons why we are better off today than Americans who lived in 1904. Technology is one example that is quite important to our lives today. We use computers in every area of our lives, and they make it easy to access information, to do our jobs, and learn more about the world. Computers have changed the way we live our lives, and they make a lot of what we do much easier. Of course, computers are not the only technologies that we enjoy today; there are many other things we take for granted today that people did not enjoy in 1904. For example, there were no televisions, radios, or x-boxes in 1904. In fact, while the telephone had already been invented, only about 8 percent of the homes in America had telephones by this time (Varner). News traveled much more slowly then. They had the telegraph and newspapers, but no Internet, and no way to get instant information about important things. Technology is very important in today's busy economy, and news travels much more quickly. In 1904, the things we take for granted today would have seemed like science fiction, and that is one reason that technology makes us much better off today. Medically, we are also much better off than the people of 1904. In 1904, people still died of things like diarrhea. One historian notes the "Leading causes of death were influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diarrhea, heart disease and stroke, in that ord...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

January 1 Doesnt Need an st

January 1 Doesnt Need an st January 1 Doesnt Need an st January 1 Doesnt Need an st By Maeve Maddox The first thing I do when trying out a new WordPress theme is get rid of the code that puts th and other such terminals after the number in a date. Ex. January 1st, November 12th Dates, like certain other written expressions, assume certain information on the part of the reader: One writes January 1, but says January first. One writes November 12, but says November twelfth. The only time to use the th, nd, rd and st with numbers is with ordinal numbers. Ordinal numbers are those used to indicate a progression. Ex. first, second, third, fourth, fifth and so on. When written as numerals, they take the little terminals: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Some other words that assume information on the part of the reader are: Xmas so spelled, but meant to be pronounced Christmas. Mr. pronounced Mister. Mrs. Now pronounced Missus, which is a reduction of earlier Mistress. On the other hand, the only way to pronounce the politically correct Ms seems to be Miz. By the way, if you want to get rid of the th after dates on your site, find the code (l, F jS, Y) and delete the S. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and ToesWhat to Do When Words Appear Twice in a Row7 Sound Techniques for Effective Writing

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Social Security and the Downfalls of Early Retirement Essay

Social Security and the Downfalls of Early Retirement - Essay Example As a means of providing a certain level of financial assistance to those who have entered the later years of their live, US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in one of his acts as commander-in-chief, enacted a social help doctrine that would be commonly known as Social Security. The importance of Social Security is not lost among people. The program in which benefactors are able to received a certain amount of financial help each month after a certain age which is supposed to be comparable to the amount of earnings that the person would have been into the system over the lifetime in which they were working. As many of the "baby boomer" generation begin their approach to retirement, there is a great concern amongst many people as to how the Social Security system will ultimately handle the influx of new retirees as they filter in. Some wish to retire early, while others are determined to maintain their status as working individuals to the median age of retirement, or the common age in which many people choose to not work anymore. As it stands, the current health of the Social Security system is at a point in which there is great concern when it comes to the amount of beneficiaries there will be in the near future. With such being the case, the level in which the system can support both current, as well as future retirees, is something that has many answers to it and great implications for the ultimate outcome. A question for a great many people is to whether or not they are able to retire early and as such draw upon their benefits. The following can become very true; Social Security for early retirement is a complicated issue. Since many countries cannot offer significant financial support for retirement, this indicates that a person should save money early to be prepared and become financially secured as he or she retires from work. Contrary to popular belief, the Social Security never intended to be thee only source of income for retired people. For this reason, weighing the pros and cons of social security for early retirement is important to understand your rights, benefits and limitations so you could invest in other pension plans to support your retirement. Over fifty years ago, life expectancy of a person who started earning income around 20 years old was at age 68. Today, the life expectancy of that same 20-year-old who started earning is at around age 78, which continues to rise. For this reason, the earlier you save money for retirement, the greater benefits you will receive once you retire. ("Understanding", p.1). To decide how best to go about retiring, whether it being to do so early or at the age in which is considered to be common, an important thing to keep in mind is to observe and consider whether or not the Social Security system would be solvent enough to provide enough benefits to help beneficiaries in their later years. Essentially, to retire early means a less amount of benefits that will be available at the end of the retiree's life, with those benefits having been used to care for the person when they sought to leave the work

Lewis Carroll's Photographs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Lewis Carroll's Photographs - Research Paper Example Carroll embraced this theme of the child as a shadow of humans in his photographs in order to call attention to how misconceived children were by adults, particularly using the real children that hr met in his life. Lewis Carroll sought to show children as adult shadows, the children’s identity as being shadowed by the adults, as well as the shadows that the children cast (Foulkes 11). Therefore, this paper will seek to show how Lewis Carroll used children in his photographs to show their innocence and the misconceptions that adults have about children. Xie Kitchin (Nickel 5) Lewis Carroll in his photographs exemplified how misconceived children were by undressing them or dressing them through a creation of what he perceived to be his own shadow of being a child (Foulkes 14). Recognized as a leading amateur and child photographer during the Victorian era, Lewis used the photographs he took to displace reality. Because photography in this period was a relatively new phenomenon, Lewis Carroll took it as a means of writing by using light with his most preferred photographic subject being the child as shown in the photographs above. At least sixty percent of all his known photographs were of children. At the time, photography was taken as the only art form that could accurately record reality, which Lewis Carroll took and created a reverse text for the discussion of children, which falsified how real a photograph could be (Foulkes 14). In various photographs, rather than giving the audience his own view of who a child should be, he comes up with the composition an adult would have of a child. The photo of Xie Kitchin has the child dressed in clothing that is foreign to that era and region, while also setting the photograph in a foreign land. In the other photograph of Evelyn Hatch, Lewis Carroll removes all social conventions from her photograph and takes a photo of her in the nude lying on a bed. In yet another photograph, he pictures Alice Liddell in a loo se fitting dress seemingly begging for alms. Lewis exerts an agency on the photography act by rewriting the literal text that the initial image would have created to give rise to a new dialogue about what it means to be a child (Foulkes 15). Therefore, Lewis took photography as a way to write commentary on childhood and the way it was shadowed by adults. While it can be argued that Lewis Carroll used children as objects, this was necessary, especially since the child has for a long time been the centre of study by theorists and scholars as they looked for a definition of the child that was consistent (Foulkes 18). While it is difficult to offer a definitive explanation of what a child is, Lewis sought to provide a lens through which it is possible to distinguish the child in this era as an entity that was completely separate from grown ups. Lewis Carroll used his photography to define the child’s character via shadows that were cast by the children, rather than as shadows of the adults, i.e. what adults thought children were supposed to be. Alice Liddell (Nickel 7) In the photo of Alice Liddell, the viewer sees a young girl who is approximately 7 or 8 years old. Lewis ensures that her entire body can be seen with her tattered and ill-fitting clothes appearing to suggest that she is a beggar (Foulkes 22). However, while

Friday, October 18, 2019

FINGERPRINTING Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

FINGERPRINTING - Research Paper Example Statistical analysis in science is a tool that puts a numeric value to the â€Å"thing† being tested, it does not prove the validity of the actual science. The empirical study of fingerprints has taken place over the past 100 years and has proven that fingerprints are unique and individual. From the critical perspective, fingerprint comparison and identification methodology remains reliable and valid as scientific evidence and to this day has yet to be considered inadmissible as evidence in a court of law. Fingerprints are developed while the fetus is still in the womb. The friction ridge detail begins to develop on the hands and feet of a fetus during the 12th or 13th weeks of pregnancy (Ashbaugh, 1999, p.54). These â€Å"ridges do not run from one side of the hand or the finger to the other in a continuous stream, but are broken and noncontinuous. The arrangement of these ridges, like all natural things, is unique† (McRoberts, 1994, p.l). From the scientific perspective, early pioneers in fingerprint history are considered Sir William J. Herschel and Dr. Henry Faulds. Herschel is actually credited for â€Å"being the first European to recognize the value of friction ridge prints and to actually use them for identification purposes† (Aushbaugh, 1999, p.21). However, Alphonse Bertillon in Paris, France was first to devise the first truly scientific method of criminal identification, called anthropometry or Bertillonage. Bertillon â€Å"included fingerprints on the rear of his anthropometric cards as a final check of his identification. Upon Bertillon’s death in 1914, Bertillonage was discarded in France and replaced by fingerprint identification† (Ashbaugh, 1999, p. 28). In 1893, fingerprinting was added to the files at Scotland Yard, but anthropometry was still considered the primary method of identification until 1901. Sir Francis Galton, a British scientist, through testimony and demonstrations, was able to

Case Study No. 1, McDonalds Senior Restaurant (p. 648)

No. 1, McDonalds Senior Restaurant (p. 648) - Case Study Example of McDonald’s would not suffer as a result of this strategy since the senior citizens flock the restaurant in the morning when young customers do not usually come. Lisa should encourage senior citizens to come and enjoy their meals at McDonald’s. This is because the restaurant would not want to be famous for its discrimination against its customer based on their age. Also the senior customers usually leave before noon which is already a slow time for the restaurant. Lisa is getting a good opportunity for her slow time and should bank upon it. Since the senior customers spend as much as normal customers, she would not have to worry about generating profits and sales for the restaurant. Bingo games would be a suitable activity for senior citizens and would act as a promotional campaign to attract such customer (Clow and Baack, 2011). She could further use the idea of bingo game to her advantage. She could do this by allocating a special time for the bingo game, one when normal customers usually do not visit the restaurant. By doing this, Lisa would be ensuring that her senior customers prefer to come during this time and do not crowd the restaurant during the peak hours when young customers visit. Since young customers usually visit after noon, Lisa should not have to worry about crowding discouraging the young customers or that her restaurant would be labeled as ‘an old people’s

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assignment as an essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

As an essay - Assignment Example ntesting states, international custom practices considered as law, and judicial decisions and teachings of qualified publicists in the different nations. The norms surrounding international laws are the principles and rules that apply to international law. This term is not common in international court systems though it can still be used to refer to principles and rules. There are seven principles of international law. They are borrowed from domestic law because international law is not developed and is mostly patchy (Aust 6). In reference to international law, the US violated the sixth principle. According to the principle, it is unlawful any person to plan, prepare, initiate, or wage a war in aggression in international agreements, treaties, or insurances. Subordination as applies to law is a situation where one principle overrides the other and nullifies the outcomes set by the principle seen to be weaker. Such a scenario is not legible in international law as all principles are w ell phrased to defend themselves in all situations (Aust 9). Territory acquisition in international law is achieved through a number of ways, which were set initially by ancient traditional laws (Aust 33). The first way is discovery. In this case, a country must be the first one to identify a territory that is not owned by any other state and it should perform symbolic acts like planting a flag to show official acquisition. Another method is conquest and annexation (Aust 36). It involves a forceful invasion of a state into a territory that is not theirs and demand ownership. It might include war and struggles and if the invading country wins, it takes over the territory. Another method used in acquisition is cession. It involves the voluntary giving up of a territory by a country. In such a case, another country can easily take over the territory. Another way of territory acquisition is occupation and prescription. This is where a sovereign state is already in ownership or control of a

History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History - Assignment Example The religious patriarchs like Abraham and Ishmael were available before the scripture. The  Quran started with these patriarchs to build Islam. Muslims give great regard to the authority of Quran and its sacred and divine nature. The  Hadith  is yet another important text in Islam. Hadith means traditions. Hadith constitutes the traditions followed by Muhammad in his life with the first Muslims. Numerous stories are told about the life of Muhammad. His daily affairs, his way of interacting with people, his manner of leading the community and his ways of taking care of household are considered as good examples by Muslims. Hadith illustrates the image of Muhammad, which is considered by Muslims as the role model. The Quran and the  Hadith  together give the textual basis for what is considered as Islamic ‘divine law’. Both are honorable texts with high degree of authenticity and integrity. Mohammed, the Seal of the Prophets is deemed as the greatest of all prophe ts. Quran is considered as the exact embodiment of Message of God. The teachings that got revealed to Muhammad are considered as the final of all previous messages. Muslims believe that Quran follows Torah and Gospel. According to them, Quran is the final revelation of God to man. The Quran gives great honor to Hebrew patriarchs, kings and prophets who are associated with Jerusalem. Islam recognizes the revelations received by these prophets. Jesus Christ is recognized by Islam as a great messenger of God. 2. List the five pillars of Islam and define Jihad. What is the role of Sharia to Islamic law?   The five pillars of Islam make the make the foundation for true Muslim life. Believing in one true God and the prophethood of Muhammad makes the base of Muslim belief. Daily prayers, concern for poor and giving arms to the negatively privileged, self sanctification through fasting and sacred pilgrimage to the Makkah makes the subsequent four pillars. The Qur'an explains Jihad as a ty pical structure of checks and balances. According to Islam Jihad is a system that checks one group of people using another group. If a person or a group of people violates the rights of Muslims or breaks their limits, Muslims can rightfully ‘check’ them and take them to the right line. Islam never permits unprovoked attack from its own side. Quran has asked Muslims to never start hostilities or do any act of aggression. Muslims are further commanded not to harm innocent ones and never violate the rights of others. Hurting animals and even trees is wrong according to the teachings of Islam. Islam recommends war only to defend their people from persecution, war and oppression. Quran recommends hostility to those who oppress Muslims. According to Quran, persecution cannot be afforded as it is worse than oppression. Sharia is the set of Islamic canonical laws that are fundamental to Islam. They are derived from four different sources, The Koran, The Sunnah, The Hadith or Ah adith and the ijma. Sharia was formed in the eighth and ninth centuries. Sharia means a path that leads to God. Muslims believe that Sharia is the law of God. Sharia however has different faces depending upon what exactly it entails. Fundamentalists, modernists and traditionalists, each have different views on Sharia. Sharia is therefore related to different Islamic schools of thought. Sharia deals with different fields

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Assignment as an essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

As an essay - Assignment Example ntesting states, international custom practices considered as law, and judicial decisions and teachings of qualified publicists in the different nations. The norms surrounding international laws are the principles and rules that apply to international law. This term is not common in international court systems though it can still be used to refer to principles and rules. There are seven principles of international law. They are borrowed from domestic law because international law is not developed and is mostly patchy (Aust 6). In reference to international law, the US violated the sixth principle. According to the principle, it is unlawful any person to plan, prepare, initiate, or wage a war in aggression in international agreements, treaties, or insurances. Subordination as applies to law is a situation where one principle overrides the other and nullifies the outcomes set by the principle seen to be weaker. Such a scenario is not legible in international law as all principles are w ell phrased to defend themselves in all situations (Aust 9). Territory acquisition in international law is achieved through a number of ways, which were set initially by ancient traditional laws (Aust 33). The first way is discovery. In this case, a country must be the first one to identify a territory that is not owned by any other state and it should perform symbolic acts like planting a flag to show official acquisition. Another method is conquest and annexation (Aust 36). It involves a forceful invasion of a state into a territory that is not theirs and demand ownership. It might include war and struggles and if the invading country wins, it takes over the territory. Another method used in acquisition is cession. It involves the voluntary giving up of a territory by a country. In such a case, another country can easily take over the territory. Another way of territory acquisition is occupation and prescription. This is where a sovereign state is already in ownership or control of a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

European law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

European law - Essay Example The moot question that arises in William case’s is whether the requirements spelt out by the Italian Government for import of his cheese into Italy could constitute a violation of Article 28 and therefore a restriction on imports? Their first requirement is (a) an inspection test to determine the listeria content of the cheese (b) a requirement that William change the label on his product. The meaning of quantitative restrictions was clearly stated in the case of Riseria Luigi Geddo v Ente Nazionale Risi1 in which it was stated that â€Å"any measure which amounts to a total or partial restraint on imports, exports or goods in transit constitutes a quantitative restriction.† For example, a quota system was held to be a restriction of trade in the case of Salgoil SpA v Italian Minister for Foreign Trade.2 Directive 70/50 must also be taken into consideration because it lists out all measures which are equivalent to quantitative restrictions, however in William’s case, there are certain existing EU Directives which member States are expected to comply with, which will also be relevant. The EU Directives which will apply in the case of William is Directive 92/46/EEC, which has held that listeria must be absent in 1 gm of hard cheese, however in soft cheese it must be absent in 25g samples taken from the product3. Also, the Directive 93/43/EEC is intended to ensure that all food products sold within the EU meet certain minimum health standards. Therefore, under this Directive, it may be noted that any requirements of the Italian Government on the inspections for listeria in the cheese will be only indistinctly applicable4, because it applies to cheeses produced within Italy and outside the country. Since manufacturers within Italy are also expected to comply with this requirement of inspection at their own cost, it is unlikely that that this will qualify as a measure that infringes Article

Monday, October 14, 2019

Christmas The Very Word Brings Joy Essay Example for Free

Christmas The Very Word Brings Joy Essay Variety is the spice of life. Life without feasts and celebrations is charm less and lifeless. So is true in case of school life. Without functions and celebrations school life becomes monotonous and uninteresting. Therefore, almost all the schools have certain annual functions such as, Annual Sport Where excellence is a habit So lets enjoy the stage breaking performance. School fete is one event students eagerly wait.. A very good Morning Merry Christmas and welcome to one and all present here to join this eve, for join us. Kids, ladies and gentleman. We are feeling nice to meet you and see you on this holy occasion. We hope and assure that you will also feel nice in this musical and joyful atmosphere. So you are most welcome again. Enjoy all the joyful moments and sweet and soft music to make the moments unforgettable. Band is going to start this cheerful evening with holy and religious music. This occasion is very special to all of us so first some blessing prayers. After that for your guest of honor, for your welcome the band will present some cultural folk songs and dances. I am sure you all will completely lost in the heaven of musical feel and colour yourself in the colour of this incredible Christmas eve. To make this day memorable, joyful and cheerful a musical atmosphere created here. games stalls, many stalls of eatables n different kinds of rides have been arranged 2 mk dis day d most special one for u†¦ To make you energetic there are arrangements of snacks and soft drinks†¦ END :- At the end I would like 2 thank all the guests for making every single moment of dis fete d unforgettable and memorable one wid ur presence.. We hope you all enjoyed this beautiful day. Thanks for joining us and once again merry Christmas and happy New Year to one and all. May Jesus makes all your wishes come true†¦ thank you everyone thanks a lot†¦ Christmas is my favorite time of year. As a child, I loved the lights, the Christmas tree, the presents 🙂 As an adult, I still love the lights, the  music and the decorations†¦ The sky was dotted with a few fluffy clouds that looked like candy floss. All praise be to God for such a celestial and symphonious evening. An evening full of allure and amazement.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Understanding Company Law

Understanding Company Law In the present day situation it is the general objective of corporate law—much the same as some other augmentation of law—is likely to serve the interest of society by and large and guaranteeing a reasonable treatment of any circumstance that may emerge in this respect including different gatherings that shared in the working of any company. More particularly, the best possible destination of corporate law is to improve the aggregate welfare of all who are affected by an organisation’s activities, including the organizations shareholders, laborers, suppliers, and customers, and also outsiders, for instance, close-by gatherings and communities which assume an essential part in making the proper set up for the smooth running of the business under consideration. This is the thing that economists would depict as the journey for general social benefit. It is often said that the destinations of corporate law should be narrower. Particularly, it is on occasion said that the correct piece of corporate law is just to ensure that the association serves the best point of interest of its shareholders or, more especially, to open up budgetary returns to shareholders or, more especially still, to extend the current business cost of corporate share. In the given Case, Jeb is Henrys sibling, who was given 2% of the shares in Farming Solnsplc, by Henry. Jeb is a non-official chief of the organization, But Jeb sets up an organization, with, Joseph, called Wiltshire Parts. This new organization is to give extra parts to this second hand hardware. He accepts that in light of the fact that he has data in regards to where the hardware is generally sold, he has a readymade client base. The rights any shareholder has in any specific organization for the most part rely on upon the provisions of the Companies Act 2006, the organizations articles of affiliation, the terms of issue of the shares (which are normally in the articles, however once in a while are in a determination) and any shareholders agreement Concocting the right share capital structure is a complex process in the realms of any business. Organization Law Solutions Limited gives a master advice to setting up diverse classes of shares, drafting articles of affiliation and shareholders understandings. The general circumstance is that in exchange for putting resources into an organization a shareholder gets a heap of rights in the organization which may differ as per the sort of shares obtained. Most organizations just have one class of shares (conventional shares) however the law in the UK is to a great degree adaptable and permits any classes of shares to be made. This is carried out by setting out the di stinctive rights connected to the different classes (typically in the organizations articles). Henry should know, what rights are appended to the diverse classes of shares is basically a matter for the organization to focus. In case of the case study at hand, Herny should be understood that the directors go about as operators of their company. They have notable duties, which are to the organization itself, however not to its shareholders, its representatives or any individual outer to the organization, for example, the general public. Although an organization is a legitimate individual in law, it is not human. Since the relationship in the middle of executives and the organization is by extremely impersonal nature, it may be pondered simply what duty implies. The directors hold a position of trust on the grounds that they make contracts in the interest of the organization furthermore controls the organizations property. Since this is comparable being a Trustee of the organization, directors have guardian obligations. This constitutes some of the fiduciary duties of the directors of any company. As it can be seen in this case, Jeb, being a non-executive director of the company is entitled to obey certain duties and has definitely failed to realize that he cannot make profits at the cost of the companys interest. This is reflected in his act of taking up another business venture with another partner and intends to use the client base of farming solnsplc for his vested interests. In such case, Henry can claim this act of Jeb as fairly illegal and unconstitutional which, in turn have serious repercussions on Jebs professional life. When it comes to the state of liquidation, it should be understood by the directors and other chiefs of the organisation that it certainly leads to an elevated danger of individual claims and director’s preclusion. The directors of an insolvent organization have an obligation to put the interests of creditors, in this case, the agent in front of all different interests. On the off chance that they keep on trading the organizations business past the moment that indebted liquidation gets to be unavoidable, they buy a genuine hazard which can have devastating results on individual as well as professional front. The given case of the farming company solnsplc, it has been cited that the creditor has already put several requests in this regard with the company but still has not received the due payment for more than a year. So, as per the existing test for insolvency, the company might end up being declared insolvent if the debt owed is more than 750Â £ and has been served a formal demand for an undisputed sum at the companys registered office and the debt has not been paid for three weeks. As of this stance, the company runs a high risk of being declared insolvent. Insolvency might likewise be a trigger an occasion where the qualifying suppliers and clients take defensive measures under contracts with the organization. This can incorporate end of agreement and other authorization measures. On the off chance that an organization is in this manner set into liquidation or organization, any exchanges the organization went into for a time of up to two years prior to the bankruptcy strategy started, can be audited on application by the delegated indebtedness expert, and switched if the organization was bankrupt at the time and the exchange occurred for either short of what the business esteem or gave certain lenders need over others. Fake transactions are additionally reviewable without time limit. References: DOUGLAS C. NORTH, INSTITUTIONS, INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE (1990); THE FRONTIERS OF THE NEW INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS (John N. Drobak John V.C. Nye eds., 1997); Oliver E. Williamson, The New Institutional Economics: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead, 38 J. ECON. LIT. 595 (2000) Bernard Black Reinier Kraakman, A Self-Enforcing Model of Corporate Law, 109 HARV. L. REV. 1911, 1913 (1996). Cf. Douglass C. North, Economic Performance Through Time, 84 AM. ECON. REV. 359, 362-63 (1994) Jonathan R. Macey and Geoffrey P. Miller, Toward an Interest-Group Theory of Delaware Corporate Law, 65 TEXAS LAW REVIEW 469 (1987); Ehud Kamar, A Regulatory Competition Theory of Indeterminacy in Corporate Law, 98 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW 1908 (1998).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

gatjay F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby - Lessons from Jay Gatsby :: Great Gatsby Essays

The Great Gatsby: Lessons from Jay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the Novel The Great Gatsby, not many people really knew the man known as Jay Gatsby.   When he was rich and powerful, he was the man you "want to know."   But when he was dead, life went on without him. It seemed as if nobody cared that he was the man behind the parties and all the good times.   He was dead and nobody mourned.   This shows that the opinion of the great Jay Gatsby changed by the end of the story.   He was an icon of not only every man's image of the American Dream, but he was also apart of Americanism and the American Experience.   He was seen as the richest and luckiest man during his time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Unlike any of the other characters in the novel, Jay Gatsby does not change during the course of the story.  Ã‚   He as a person might not have changed, but the way that people perceived him certainly became different.   When he was alive and well, he was the perfect idea of the American Dream.   He had more money than he knew what to do with.   He could afford to have oversized parties every weekend.   Jay Gatsby was the person to know when it came to the Eggs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the beginning, he was only known as Jay Gatz.   He was a poor boy in the army.   He only had his charm to get him by.   This is how he meets Daisy.   She was a very rich girl, from a wealthy family.   They were in love from the beginning.   Unfortunately, Daisy believed that "rich girls don't marry poor boys."   From that moment on, Jay Gatz wanted one thing; to get rich so he could show Daisy that a poor boy could get rich.   This obsession ate up the real man inside.   Jay Gatz became Jay Gatsby.   This new man wanted to become the American Dream at an early age. He did what ever he could to get his money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the more puzzling things about Jay Gatsby is where did he come from and where did he get his money?   Nobody other than Daisy really knows where he came from.   When people were talking at one of Gatsby's first parties, nobody could really say where he was from.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Same Sex Schools vs Co-Ed Schools

Summary: The government of Trinidad and Tobago has been proposing the idea to introduce more same co-education schools. Co-education means boys and girls attending the same school and sharing the same classrooms. Although, according to the article students who attend same sex schools academically outperform those in co-educational schools, particularly female same sex schools. An argument concludes that co-educational schools help with the hidden curriculum of schools. Theoretical Discussion:Education is one aspect of socialization: it involves the acquisition of knowledge and the learning of skills, whether, intentionally or unintentionally, education often also helps to shape beliefs and moral values. (Haralambos 2004). The education system consist of a formal and a hidden curriculum, formal, being the standardized curriculum which professionals are hired to relate the curriculum within a classroom setting and the hidden curriculum are the social attitudes and values taught in scho ol that prepare children to accept the requirements of adult life and to fit into the social, political and economic statuses the society provides.It is generally recognized  that girls do better academically at single sex schools, as do boys. The theory is that because girls mature faster than boys and it can be difficult for teachers to accommodate the differences in development rates in a co-education environment. Other contributing factors are simply that there are fewer distractions for both boys and girls in a single sex environment.Another benefit of a single sex education is the freedom to make educational choices without worrying that you may be the only girl or boy in the class or the threat of judgment because you want to study traditionally masculine subjects like physics and technical drawing, or traditionally girly subjects like literature and home education. The question is; are these single sex schools creating socially enabled persons? A co-educational environment maybe more reflective of society this is because it encourages competition between boys and girls.Both sexes naturally will compete against each other in exams and that competitive spirit will encourage everyone to do their best. Also, it replicates basic opposite sex interaction which is unquestionably present and needed in society, therefore, they get a different perspective of things as well as learn to understand one another better. With the interaction in class, even the shyest student will feel comfortable with the opposite sex and can soon work together normally.Opinion: In my view being in a co-education school does not mean socializing with the opposite sex only. It means that a student can maintain a balance when choosing friends and learn to treat everyone the same. Also, I really think being in a co-educational school promotes better behavior. Boys are naturally rough by nature and girls more gentle. When both sexes interact, the boys tend to tone down their behavior so that the girls will be friends with them.I feel that some boys in single-sex schools do not know how to behave when they meet girls. Some act like hooligans or shy away when, in fact, if they were in a co-educational school, they would be above all that, given the exceptions. Therefore, I think that students from co-educational schools will be more mature and will be quicker to adept to society fulfilling the hidden curriculums with a slight dwindle on the formal curriculum.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Visual Aids

Visual Aids Visual aids help your presentation make things happen. Visual aids help you reach your objectives by providing emphasis to whatever is being said. Clear pictures multiply the audience’s level of understanding of the material presented, and they should be used to reinforce your message, clarify points, and create excitement. Visual aids involve your audience and require a change from one activity to another: from hearing to seeing. When you use visual aids, their use tends to encourage gestures and movement on your part.This extra movement reinforces the control that you, the speaker, need over the presentation. The use of visual aids, then, are mutual beneficial to the audience and you. Visual aids add impact and interest to a presentation. They enable you to appeal to more than one sense at the same time, thereby increasing the audience’s understanding and retention level. With pictures, the concepts or ideas you present are no longer simply words, but word s plus images. When preparing your visual aids you should include a clear, brief, heading on each slide or page.Use bullet or short phrases to complement your heading. Do not use sentences or entire paragraphs unless you plan to read them out loud, your audience will want to read what you show them. Avoid using all capital letters except in headings. Whether you use slides, overhead transparencies, flipcharts, models, photographs or drawings, keep visual aids simple: no more than three or four key points on each item. Its better to have a few extra slides than a lost audience. In preparing tables and charts for projection, limit data to key points. Include only columns, rows or plots that you plan to discuss.Leave details and more comprehensive data summaries for your written paper or a separate handout. Leave plenty of white space or other background color to make your visuals easier to read. Check spelling and your slides’ readability by printing them on standard-sized pape r. Then as a quick check to determine whether they can be read from the back of a room, place the printed sheets on the floor to see if you can read them while standing up. If you use overheads, refrain from marking them with hand-written additions before your talk. When presenting your speech with visual aids, the presenters may be tempted to hide behind their visual aids.It is important not to do that, you must be proud of your visual aid and you should be the center of attention not your visual aid. (Centre for Teaching Excellence)(1) Whether you are creating a visual aid by hand or designing them on a computer, there are six basic guidelines you should follow to make your aids clear and visually appealing. They are: Prepare visual aids in advance, Keep visual aids simple, Make sure visual aids are large enough, Use fonts that are easy to read, Use a limited number of fonts, and Use color effectively. Lucas 275-278)(2) If you go by these guidelines when preparing your visual aids , you will capture the audience’s attention and be proud of what you accomplished with your visual aid. Visual aids are eye-catchers. They need to be used appropriately and moderately to be affective. Different types of visual aids emphasize different data relationships, so choosing the right type is very important. Think about your data, consider your purpose, and decide which type best illustrates your point. Use caution when considering using illustrations, however, as they ten to captivate an audience’s attention perhaps distracting from your point.Once you have chosen and created your visual aid, you’ll need to revise it for clarity, simplicity, and style. (Austin)(3) Visual aids involve your audience and require a change from one activity to another: from hearing to seeing. They add impact and interest to a presentation. They enable you to appeal to more than one sense at the same time, thereby increasing the audience’s understanding and retention l evel. With pictures, the concepts or ideas you present are no longer simply words, but words plus images. The use of visual aids is important to all presentations.Without them, the impact of your presentation may leave the audience shortly after the audience leaves you. By preparing a presentation with visual aids that reinforce your main ideas, you will reach your audience far more effectively, and perhaps, continue to touch them long after the presentation ends. (Labor)(4) Insight Statement: While writing this paper, I learned many things about how to prepare a visual aid and some tips on what/what not to do when presenting them. The meaning of visual aids to me is that the audience grasps and understands a speech when they have something to look at, that clarifies the speech for them.Works Cited (3) Austin, University of Texas at. Visual Aids. 26 09 2012 . (1)Centre for Teaching Excellence. Using Visual Aids. 17 03 2011. 26 09 2012 . (4) Labor, United States Department of. Occupa tional Safety & Health Administration. 26 09 2012 . (2)Lucas, Stephen. â€Å"Guidelings for preparing visual aids. † Lucas, Stephen. The Art of Public Speaking. Mcgraw-Hill Higher Education, n. d. 275-278.

Mcdonalds Energy Drink Research Report Essay

The purpose of this report is to investigate past trends and forecasts of the energy drink market. Included in this report, is information on market size, target population and statistical data on growth history and growth projections. The aim is to determine if adding energy drinks to McDonalds offerings will create a profitable segment for their menu. The market research collected and contained in this report consists of secondary data. This research was authorized by: McDonalds Corporation. Current market research shows that the energy drink market has grown into a multi-billion dollar business, which has been reported as being the fastest growing segment in the beverage industry since bottled water. The US energy drink industry is expected to more than double in the 5 years preceding 2013. (Comprehensive Reviews) Eighteen to twenty-four year olds or college students are the largest segment of energy drink consumers. (NutritionJ) The conclusion of this report suggests that the growth of the energy drink market has been greater than most other liquid refreshment beverage sectors in the US in the past five years and that this trend will continue. It is recommended that McDonalds Corporation add energy drinks to their offerings and target college-aged students. Introduction Fast food consumption in the US has declined during the recent economic crisis. To stay profitable, many fast food chains have introduced low-cost or â€Å"value† items too keep sales up. Along with low-cost items, many fast food chains have added specialized items or niche items to attract customers that can more conveniently buy these at a fast food store. McEnergy 3 Energy drinks have continued to gain popularity since Red Bull was launched in 1997. More than 500 new energy drinks were launched worldwide in 2006 and beverage companies are reaping the rewards of the exploding energy drink industry. This report examines the energy drink market and its potential to become a niche item in a fast food chain along with the population to target. Methods. This report was conducted using a secondary statistical data and secondary research that was gathered using a focus group and survey of college age participants. The statistical data was obtained from New York City-based Beverage Marketing Corporation which is the leading research firm dedicated to the global beverage industry. The statistical data regarding the previous growth patterns and growth forecasts will be discussed in the results. The focus group and survey were done by Nutrition Journal and focuses on energy drink consumption patterns among college students. The survey was based on responses from a 32-member college student focus group and a field test, a 19-item survey was used to energy drink consumption patterns of 496 randomly surveyed college students. (nutritionj) The population was defined as undergraduate students at a state university located in the Central Atlantic Region of the United States. 85% of the undergraduates were 18-24 years of age, 12% were 25-40 years of age and 3% 41 years of age or older. Sixty two percent of the entire student body is female. The sampling units were individual college students that were generated with a McEnergy 4 non-probability method of asking students around campus if they would like to participate. (Nutritionj) Results Fifty one percent of participants reported consuming at least one, energy drinks a month. Thirty four percent of participant reported consuming at least two energy drinks a month. Table 1 % of college energy drink users reporting amount and frequency of energy drink consumption by situation in an average month Energy drinks consumed Days/month ________________________________________________ Situation n 1 2 >2 1-4 5-10 >10 Insufficient Sleep 169 64 22 14 74 18 8. Need general energy 165 63 21 16 74 18 8 Studying or project 125 50 36 14 85 10 5 Driving long distance 114 63 23 14 86 9 5 With alcohol 136 27 24 49 73 18 9 Treat hangover 42 74 10 16 74 14 12 N= 253 college energy drink users (nutritionj) The US refreshment beverage market grew by 1. 2% in 2010The growth of the energy drinks market is up 5. 4% in the past year. (beveragemarketing) From 2004 to 2009 the McEnergy 5 overall growth of the energy market is up over 240% (Wiley) The shift from consumption of sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade towards energy drinks should continue. In the last year, carbonated soft drinks remain the largest liquid refreshment beverages category but their volume slipped 0. 8% from 13. 9 billion gallons in 2009 to 13. 8 billion gallons in 2010, which resulted in their market share decreasing. (beveragemarketing) Table 2 U. S Liquid Refreshment Beverage Market Change in Volume by Segment 2009-2010 Percent Change Segments 2009-2010 RTD Tea 12. 5% Sports Drinks 9. 4% RTD Coffee 8. 1% Energy Drinks 5. 4% Bottled Water 3. 5% Value-Added Water 0. 2% Fruit Beverages -2. 0% Carbonated Soft Drinks -0. 8% Total LRB 1. 2% Source: Beverage Marketing Corporation (BeverageMarketing) McEnergy 6 Conclusion The energy drink market has grown into a multi-billion dollar business, which has been reported as being the fastest growing segment in the beverage industry since bottled water. Having grown 240% in the past five years, the only beverage sectors to grow faster that energy drinks last year were ready-to-drink tea, ready-to-drink coffee and sports drinks. McDonalds already distributes these other three beverages and would benefit by adding the next fastest growing beverage sector, energy drinks. Despite the large market share that carbonated beverages owns, there is a demand and shift towards other beverage sectors as evidenced by a decrease in carbonated beverage market share last year. A large segment of energy drink consumers is the college-aged consumer. With over 50% of college students drinking at least one energy drink a month and 34% at least two a month, this would be a good population to target. Recommendations Include energy drinks to the offerings at McDonalds fast food restaurants. Target college-aged students with initial locations and marketing strategies. McEnergy 7 References: – Gonzalez de Mejia, E. & Heckman, M. A. & Sherry, K. (2010). Energy Drinks: An Assessment of Their Market Size, Consumer Demographics, Ingredient Profile, Functionality, and Regulations in The United States. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. Retrieved from: http://onlinelibrary. wiley. com/doi/10. 1111/j. 1541-4337. 2010. 00111. x/pdf – West, T. (2011). The Energy Market is Still Full of Growth Potential Reports. Wholesale News. Retrieved from: http://web. ebscohost. com. lib. vid=12&hid=123&sid=eeec713f-80bc-4ca6-b6ce-02c68e0f1f50%40sessionmgr112 – The US Liquid Refreshment Beverage Market Increased by 1. 2% in 2010. (March 2011). Beverage Marketing Corporation Reports. Retrieved from: http://www. beveragemarketing. com/? section=pressreleases – Aeby, V. G. & Barber-Heidal, K. & Carpenter-Aeby, T & Malinauskas, B. M, & Overton, R. F. (2007). A Survey of Energy Drink Consumption Patterns Among College Students. Nutrition Journal. Retrieved from: http://www. nutritionj. com/content/6/1/35.